Sunday, October 29, 2006
I haven't posted anything these days. so im going to tell you everything I remember from last week.
It was a hectic monday. sheesh. a lot of reviews, homeworks, quizzes and alike. huhu. thank goodness I survived that tiring day. *whew*
We have no classes and out of my laziness I didn't took the opportunity to study for the coming exams. I just stayed in my room, did what I have to do excluding studying and just lay in the bed all day soundtripping. oo na, masipag na nga akong bata. =p
another hectic day! AGH. A lot of summative tests are given so it will serve as our reviewer for the exams the next day. grr.
Our exams is 10am in the morning so that means I still have time to wake up early and use the time to study for Science and Math these two are hard subjects for me. So, I woke up at around 6am. I actually planned to wake up at around 5:30 and my cellphone alarmed by that time. but, hey, our exams is still 10am, so give me a chance to sleep. hehe. I slept late the night before anyways. I went to school 8:30 and found Leanne and Ali waiting for me in the lobby. We headed straight to the library to review. then, when we were about to go out. WOW. I saw the most wonderful thing I have ever seen in the planet entering the library so they kept teasing me. unfortunately we are on our way to the canteen to eat breakfast at that time. We found out that he sat on the same chair I sat before! wee! [yak. mababaw na kung mababaw! hehe.]
the three of us had a pancake and mocha java while reviewing. then the bell rang, just about time when Abby arrived so we fetch her in the lobby and as usual, they started teasing me about what happened in the library and yun. We had our exams. and holy cow I didn't expect that I will be able to answer our exam in Math. In Science, there are some questions that made me confused. ARGH. After the exams, I bought again another mocha java in the canteen and first hung out with Kat and Apple and talked about the exams. On our way out, I found Leanne, Abby and Ali going inside the canteen so I preferred to stay. as usual and as expected, this wonderful person went in and they teased me with him. AGH. pero nagkangitian naman kami. haha. LOL. ayun. After the exams, I was sooo not in the mood to study for Theology and Filipino. So I just went online, chat with my classmates and asked for some reviewers then voila! I was able to study online! haha.
the usual, Library, laughing,teasing,drinking mocha java. haha. ayun. our exams was quite easy, Mr. Sonajo was right. hehe. ayun. again. the ritual after exams. then I went home with big problems inside me. aww. ayun. I was so scared when I found out that she is mad at me and one of my classmates because of the issue. ayun. I really did my best to say sorry and she told me that the guy, her and I. will just talk the next day. so i was like, NO WAY! i will never ever talk to that guy anymore! sheesh! no thanks. Id rather leave you mad at me than let me talk to that guy! well, that was before. ayun. this day has the rising action of my whole week. I was studying and at the same time thinking about what will happen the next day and if im going to have the courage to talk to him AGAIN. ayun. so I was texting her and beggin that we can talk but just not include him. PLEASE? all these frustrations and regrets are taking over me and i was sooo DOWN by that time. I didn't know what to do. good thing Bea Casabar replied on my text so I told her my problems and about that incident. I was sooo scared! ayun. Evening came and someone texted me and told me to give him my number because he has something to 'clean up', may icclear daw sya regarding the issue. ayun. I immediately gave my number and he called. so we talked about the issue and told me the truth in our *nevermind* ayun. I found myself crying while talking to him and I just don't know what to say. my mind was ultimately blank. i didn't know how I should feel. In my mind was like. WOW. so I have been looking this stupid for months. he told me he was sorry and I was so speechless on what he told me. I was like. uh-huh. okay.. sige.. sure.. ayun. he finally hung up and I immediately ran to my room and cried my heart out. ansakit kasi nun eh. to find out that I looked like an idiot and he played with me for 8 months. I just don't know.. I just dont.. ayun.. I cried myself to sleep that night.. ...
I went to the library. and studied a bit and I was really not focused. A lot of things happened and ayun. my head was still blank. I just played volleyball with Quimbo and co. with Leanne then a teacher came. and we all know that we are not allowed to play sports during examintation days so, Quimbo, Leanne and I went to the canteen and I shared on what happened last night and they suggested that I should have done this and that. they were also shocked. see? ayun. they suggested me negative things to do. but I just can't do that. hay. then ayun. Ali and Abby arrived and I told them what happened and I didn't notice that I started crying. they comforted me and they hugged me and all. nung kinwento ko ulit kay Emman and Maine I also cried. ganun katindi yung sakit eh. huhu. tapos ayun exams and Soc Sci was soo hard because JLo didn't discuss most of the questions to us argh. then English was quite easy. ayun. sabay kami lumabas ni Quimbo, Emman and I planned to play volleyball. Abby insisted that we invite him. pero nanonood kasi siya sa mga nagbbball. so ayun. natakot ako maglaro sa parking lot kasi andaming cars and baka makadamage kami. So I told them to look for a better place. then we met Apple and Kat along the way and told us the plan on going to our house. Kat came with us and played volleyball and Quimbo's ball went to the other side of the wall which is outside the school because Quimbo hit it in the wrong direction. hala. we went to the muddy side yung malapit sa labasan ng SBC and grabe ang lambot nung mud! and ayaw namin ni Kat! nyaks! ang putik talaga! ayun. we went to the underground CR for us to clean our muddy shoes. ika nga ni Quimbs adventure daw. haha. ayun. We first went to Mcdo to buy our light lunches. then went to Quimbo's house and grabe mabait na anak si Quimbo. loko yun eh. haha. then our plans changed and instead of going to Emman's house we went to Chua's house! grabe parang ang lapit lang. and I was soo quiet during the whole trip especially when we passed by marcos highway. OUCH. ayun. they were all talking and I was just looking outside the window and again with my blank head. ayun. when we arrived. Chua showed his sister's room and it was oh so pretty! it was all pink! and i love pink! yey! haha, ayun. we stayed in chua's room and surf the net and we watched the Exorcism of Emily Rose. this time I understood the story kasi when we watched it before I didn't really get what the story is all about. ayun. then we went to our house which was the boring of all houses we have ever been to because i was really not in the mood. so i just let the guys play my barbies and dress them as they want them to. ayun. Kat and Quimbo also told me that I was being too nice because of what happened the night before.. Quimbo told me that next time that happens.. I should fight for what I really feel inside.. and napagisip isip ko nga.. tama nga sila.. masyado nga akong mabait and nagmamartyr na ako. hayy, ayun..
il just edit this lalagyan ko nalang nga mga icons para mas interesting basahin.
ciao!; {1:15 AM}
Sunday, October 22, 2006

I have again missed 2 days of postin. I need to study that's why. I wanna tell you everything that happened last friday onwards.

Friday October 20, 2006
A regular day. as usual the lecture day because our second quarter examinations is coming. then dismissal, Maine, Quimbo, Emman and Chua went to my house. weee. wala lang. trip lang namin. ayun. After we had our merienda, Jasper, Bebz [kuya RJ], PJ and Luigi came. wala lang din. sumunod lang din sila. haha. Maine and Jasper strolled around our village so there are seven of us left. we just talked about a girl that Bebs treat as a so-called bestfriend. deny pa sya eh. ayun. ultimate laughtrip. and Chua dared me to touch one of my mother's cactus so that he will not go home. so out of my stupidity I held it and at first i thought nothing happened with my hands but when I tried to close it I felt the thorns and it hurt! huhu. ayun. Kuya PJ helped me out in getting the thorns out of my hand and its very hard to see where it is. huhu. ayun. after i think an hour and a half of laughing Chua and Quimbo left. so there were 5 of us left in the house because Maine and Per is still not around. so we continued the laughtrip and ayun. some intriguing questions were asked. haha. LOL. then my mother called me and she told me that she saw Main and Per at the back of our village and I know that it is dangerous there so I immediately told the guys that we need to fetch Maine and Per there. but when we are on our way, a loudly barking dog was there and I was so scared so we went to the other way around. ayun. We saw the couple there and we finally went home. then another 30 minute laughtrip then Maine was fetched by her mother so after she and Emman left. Luigi, PJ, Bebs and Per left aslo. so ayun. buhbye. so after that my parents came home and I watched a space-y movie with my father who is a sucker for science investigations like UFOs and whatsoever. I didn't notice that I fell asleep. duh? so ayun. nakatulog na ako. because I was sooo tired. *whew*

Saturday Ocotber 21, 2006
nothing much happened. I just made some of our requirements and finished them and watched movies. happy birthday Joannalou!*bow*

Sunday [today Otober 22,2006]
I woke up early because it is the 26th anniversary of our religious community. weee. haha. so we went to Anawim in Montalban to celebrate it. the youth which is the YMPACT. is assigned to paint the Nichos yung lagayan ng patay. huhu. It was freakin scary. huhu. I painted Carmelo Pons Beech's nicho. Angelo and Joseph kept teasing me and telling me that its Carmelo the bitch. huhu. ang samaa. then ayun. ate Ching told me that i am so dedicated with my work because I was so focused in painting but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to be. Albert and Anjho even put hearts and flowers and put some borders in the side. I kept laughin at their work kasi naman noh. gawin bang parang picture frame yung nicho . haha. LOL. Then we had lunch, JC was freaking me out because while he kept acting weird and he looked scary. ayun. pinagtulungtulungan na ako nila Ate Ching, Joseph and Angelo na high na daw kasi si JC. loko yun eh. haha. then after the meal. we went back to the cemetery and I also painted Tomas Recto's nicho. and it is way better than Carmelo's. haha. so after that. we went home. grabe, I really miss my YMPACT family. huhu. I haven't seen them for soo long and it was like last summer? huhu. good thing I decided to come in this anniversary. haayy. it was quite a relief when I saw them. and I finally had the chance to have fun with them again. thank you Lord! =p

ciao!; {1:16 AM}
Thursday, October 19, 2006

bakit kaya brownies??

I haven't posted anything right these past few days due to our requirements needed in school.

good thing my work is lessened because some of the difficult projects are done! *whew*

so today was a usual day,

im tired,
and need lots of sleep!
bye! hehe.

another lame post of mine.
ciao!; {6:51 AM}

bakit kaya brownies???

[FYI: These are cells.]

I again missed some days of posting due to projects, seatworks and other requirements.

well, today I have already finished some of the difficult porjects.

today was just a usual day.
and I'm so tired

so I need to sleep. BOW.
ciao!; {5:46 AM}
Monday, October 16, 2006

yesterday, I had a BIG BIG problem. its not because I have a fever but its something that made me more sick! huhu.

today, i went to school sick.
wooow. good thing i got a little better.
I'm still sick and thats good. haha. loko.
We talked about the jersey payments and all bout IAC. Ms. Duka is not that excited for intrams. haha. I just kept on chattin with Quimbo. as usual.
Social Science
Mr. Lorenzo first told us about the man who won the most pretigous award in the wooorrlld! woo. haha. then we tackled about the sumerian civilization. and wrote an essay of what we think is the most important contribution of the said civilization. I chose the wheel. weee. =p
I rushed my color etching activity and traced the puzzle to the paper. weee. Good thing I finished it on time! weeee. hehe.
We had a partner activity and I'm with Quimbo. we wanted a challenge so we chose each other. ayun. I was so confues with all the variables and numbers and all!! whoaa. i'm not even sure with my answers! I just hope we got the right ones. =p
Quiz about all the lessons we have tackled and I was really squeezing my brain out for me to be able to answer those questions! but thank goodness I was able to squeeze something in this brain of mine. haha.
I sat near the hell guy and my friends kept teasin me about him. ayun. still, it was fun and we all printed out our summaries in mahabharata and we all have the same infos! we all took it from 1 site. there was i think 9 of us [Maine, Kenneth, RR, Sean, Emman, and I] some of us have 2 or 3 pages. haha., weeee. mababaet na bata.
UGH! We had like 6 exercises! throughout the period! the last two were over 25!! ugh. It made me more sick. ARGH. all those past participle, present participles and whatsoever made my headache worse. grrr. huhu.

We went to the AVR. and while we are on our way there, I saw something that made me breathless! wee. apple!! haha. then ayun as usual. Florante at Laura, everyone was laughing because of Merlin's report. peace tayo Merlin! It's soo high tech! I can't believe it! *kindat kindat* hehe. pero infairness, he's report was good if you really listened well. and Mr. Sonajo made an agreement with us because some of our classmates were making up sentences applicable for gradeschool students. huhu.
We just tackled about the sex link and all.. *bow*
We went to the canteen, bought some snacks and went home. Maine and Emman went to our house. trip lang namin. hehe.
hmn. I went to the clinic with my cousin. and I opened my mouth and they did what they have to do. and my dentist's assitant was like killing me with the i-dont-know-what-to-call-it-mirror! AHH! she keeps pressing it soo hard that my tongue hurt. argh. and now my braces are color light pink and purple! weeee! =p
ciao!; {3:32 AM}
Sunday, October 15, 2006
im still freakin sick.
I need to say buhbye.
at least I wrote an entry, right?
bye! =p
ciao!; {2:01 AM}
Saturday, October 14, 2006
I didn't post for two days so i broke my promise. huhu. sorry QUIMBO!
yesterday [October 13]
It was Friday the 13th, hmn? does anyone believe the rumors they say aboiut that date and day? do you believe that?well, I don't. hehe. ayun.
We just had 2 subjects.
First was GICP.
We just tackled about the lesson on which some boys took maliciously! ayun. We need to learn about that so Mr. Coloma taught us the consequences for that act. then ayun. Were done. =p
Second was SCIENCE.
We just draw our baby dragon. ours was a girl called yumiipuff. awww. she looked so cute. we used the whole time just to draw and have fun coloring. hehe.
after the two subjects we had our recess and finally went to AFP theatre to watch the Ibong Adarna play. We were on the 7th bus, it is where the excess students are placed. haha. during the bus ride Maine and I including some of the boys at our back just slept throughout the trip, while Apple, Kat, Rivor and Jonell kept making noises, jokin around and havin fun. haha. kami lang maingay dun! hehe. then, when we arrived there are lots of schools there and it was soo crowded outside. After the play, a woman announced the names of the school with the proper theatre etiquette. wow. no wonder we were not called. the first years kept jeering and making noise the while the play was going on. argh. those first years almost got into my nerves. Why the hell can't they just sit there and watch that play in a disciplined way?? argh! awww. i felt sorry for Fr. Angelo because he is probably upset about our behaviour. huhu. while we are going out the theatre, I can barely breath because of the smell and its too crowded. then on our way home, Maine, Apple, Kat and I just slept while I hear the boys laughin and sharing stories. haha.
so okay. that's yesterday.
Today [October 14]
I woke up sick. ugh. I am awfully sick. huhu. My head is like spinning around. i don't know. wow. yet i still had the strength to post. haha.
well, that's it for now.
gotta go!
ciao!; {12:58 AM}
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
uhm. so nothin much happened today.
a really simple day just added with a living rosary and a mass.
we simply discussed about the addition and subtraction of rational expression. as usual, 20 kept fooling around. haha.
il just edit this as soon as i can! got lots of things to do!!
bye!! =p
ciao!; {4:20 AM}
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
wow. this day was soo great.
first subject: MUSIC
we had the quarterly exams and I noticed that no one started answering when Mr. Crisostomo gave us the exam sheet. Nobody knows the right places and values of the B's and F's etc. wow. but good thing Mr. Crisostomo realized that we don't know what to do. then he wrote the right places and values, whew! thank goodness! haha.
woooow. 2-20 for the first time in history enjoyed this subject! We all enjoyed the multiple stunts! first, we had the Circular Jump [tama ba?] basta. ayun. I'm with Apple, Kat and Maine. we soo had fun jumping and jumping and whatsoever. haha. then next stunt was, the Merry Go round I also enjoyed this. But, its a bit hard. DJ's hand is so slippery while Sean is holding me too tight. but i liked this stunt. kawawang kawawa nga si Quimbo eh. naihagis ata. haha. and finally the very fun part, the final stunt was skin the snake backward. 'twas a girls against boys racing. there were 2 groups of boys coz there are a lot of them so they were divided into two then our group[girls]. First try, the second group of boys won! 'twas RR's group. then the girls wanted a rematch so we raced again and yey! we won! but as decided, it was like a best of 3 game so we played again. but the Champion was the second group of boy's yung group ni RR! ahh! talo kami! nabuhol buhol kasi kami eh.. hehe. ayun. we actually had fun in P.E! wow!

usual ritual.
Prac Arts
ok lang. nothing much happened. we just had a lil quiz and a lil talk bout the subject. =p
this was actually fun ha! infairness, Mrs. Elemento was improving! she was so funny. that's all. we had so many exercises. bow. =p
I rushed my math assignment. haha. we stayed in the library and may tinulak sa harap ko! tama ba yun Ivan or Erlance!? ewan! hehe. =p

We had a discussion about our assignment. and good thing the items i answered were right! yey! haha. Ms. Duka also showed us our jersey well it cool and i like the blending of colors. woow. =p
as usual, we just laughed our hearts out. there's nothing new about it right? haha. ayun.

hi Paolo Quimbo! zup?
thanks for the tag!=p
that's my day!
ciao!; {3:54 AM}
Monday, October 09, 2006
zukato mirishikiarichikitoku or zumi
^that's my japanese name. wanna try?
click here. >
uhm. so yea. im zumi. sounds cool for me. hehe.
hmn. what's up with me today? throughout the whole day my mind was so blank i didn't laugh at Quimbo's jokes coz i usually does. I was in the mood for the lesson but i'm not into being happy today. i don't know. i'm just not in the mood and i don't know what or who caused it. wow. that silence with me throughout the day finally ended when Mrs. Elemento started fooling around. but i sometimes get annoyed when she cracks her jokes in a corny kind of way. ARGH. it makes her look like she's trying too hard to make us laugh.
here's my day:
we planned for the IAC and talked about what sport are we going to join. whew. i am included in the volleyball mixed and futsal girls. wow. i'm kindah excited with the futsal thing because i have never played futsal before. I am just curious on how the game will be played. yey! haha.
Social Science
this is getting me more interested than what i feel about this subject before. I was interested with the topic and all and i'm really enjoying it. i didn't know what got into me to make me like that freakin subject. wow. Mr. Lorenzo or as Kenneth and all the other students would call him, JLo, is a really nice teacher. believe me. yep, i know he looks strict but once you get to know him more, you'll see how hilarious he is. haha.

hectic. alot to thnk about and all. =p
we had a lil seatwork and i kinduh got confused. ARGH. huhu. i told you, i was not in my proper mind. gosh. i didn't know what i was supposed to do with all that numbers and variables. wah! help meee. =p
I miraculously participated because i often find this period, *yawn* boring but today was totally different, i kept on reciting and it wasn't really me. whoa. what the hell is wrong with me today?! haha. infairness, i actually loved theology! =p
more hectic! i have my report for Filipino to be done! and notebook activity to finish! aaghh! but good thing i was able to finish it by the time the bell rang. whew. =p
here's the funny part. Mrs. Elemento seems like she's on her mood today. and she wasn't the grumpy old woman we hate. haha. thank you Lord! we just reviewed our lesson last friday. that's all. =p
*drum roll AGAIN. dan dan dan dan* when Kat was reporting I admitted that I really can't breathe. I'm so nervous! whoaa! but i was touched and moved on what Mr. Sonajo said to us about this love thing it really strucked me. He told us that you would not really realize the person's worth unless that person leaves. and that's a big OUCH for me. then. when i started reporting,he told me that he liked my background and my report was good[?!?] *WHEW*, then he continued his talk about love. i learned a lot from him. grabee! di ko alam na marami rin palang alam si sir tungkol sa ganun! thank you sir! mwa! =p

the last subject! FINALLY! woo. Mr. Seguban is also in the mood today and we really didn't have a formal discussion but instead he just made us laugh our hearts out of ourselves. haha. =p
i need to stay till 5:30 coz i need to finish MY powerpoint presentation in Computer. but good thing ms. Rivera told us that we can pass it tomorrow. whew. thank you!! ayun. we tried playing football and accidentally when i kicked the ball it went straight to Toru's heavenly place! yuck. im being green! eww. haha. sorry Toru! Oh! and to add more tension! "my past mommy and daddy" were there!! whoaa! and Maine told me that "the daddy" was staring at me when i passed by them. nyaaay. nakakatakot. =p

maine and I kept singing the every little thing he does is magic song by MYMP.
here's the lyrics.
Every Little Thing He Does is Magic
Though I tried before to tell him
All the feelings
I have for him in my heart
Everytime that I come near him
I just loose my nerve as
I've done from the start
Coz every little thing he does is magic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for him goes on
Do I have to tell the story
Of the thousand rainy days since we first met
It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me who ends up getting wet
(Repeat Chorus)
I resolve to call him up
A thousand times a day
And ask him if he'll marry me
In some old fashioned way
But my silent fears have gripped me
Long before I reached the phone
Long before my tongue has stripped me
Must I always be alone
(Repeat Chorus)
Every little thing
Every little thing he does
Every little thing he does is magic, magic, magic

hi RR! ayan na ha. special mention ka na. tag naman tayo diyan! hehe. binigyan ko na ng part ng blog ko ang pag greet lang sayo ha! 1/32 yan ng blog ko! tag ka! kung sinu man ang gusto magpa greet. tell me. il greet you here! haha. =p
that's my day!
got nothin much to share!
ciao!; {2:53 AM}
Sunday, October 08, 2006

got nothin much to say today.
my day was my usual Sunday.
we heard mass this mornin,[i told you im a totally religious person! haha.]my cousins were also there. and Shanea my lil cousin was enjoying the sound of the lil stuff toy that Mikki gave me. [thank you Mikki!]. haha. and we went home enjoying each other's stories and all. My cousins and I updated each other with our lives, what happened in school and all. They were teasing me because NCAA lost yesterday. so I was like "okay lang, for charity naman yun eh, it's no big deal noh." haha. for your info. they were all colleges and graduated students na. haha. they were all supporting the UAAP team. well, i don't really care. hehe.

so they went home, and i was alone again in our house only with my parents who are in their own room. so i just finished my powerpoint presentation in Filipino. and im already done with it! yey! haha. i just don't know either Mr. Sonajo will like it or not. but i know Mr. Sonajo is a very nice guy, err, i mean Gal. He's one of the coolest teachers i've known. haha. he's not a harsh person you know. i remember during our first year days, Mrs. Bea was not present and our class was so noisy and many were going out of the room. He was our substitute teacher and all my classmates were like running for their lives because we are all terrfied and we know that he is mad. that's why when he entered our class this year, i was trembling and thinking on how to survive his class. He noticed that some of the students in our room are so terrified to recite so he finally said that thare's nothing to be scared about. He made us realized that he is such a nice person. haha. pero, medyo may di magandang nangyari at di yata nagustuhan ni sir, hehe, kasi may nakita siyang di kanais nais sa laptop ni Chua. haha. pero, there's nothing to be jealous about. you know! hehe. sa 20 nalang yun. =p

so, I finally finished 2 powerpoint presentations. *whew*
sorry for my computer members, im really sticking to our rules, and i know we've talked about it before, i clearly told you that if you didn't pass any research to me i will not include you in the members list. i know its strict, pero its more unfair for me. Si CJ nga na alam kong petiks at sigurado akong hindi magpapasa eh nagpasa naman. diba? so I'd rather report with CJ than let you report. why? because it is unfair i've worked hard for that presentation. you may also ask Quimbo if you don't believe me. I've asked you to do a simple task. research that's the only thing you need to do, but you didn't pass it to me. wag niyong idadahilan sakin na kasi ginawa niyo pa yung ibang subjects, well read this:
hindi lang kayo ang may iba't ibang subject. May filipino notebook din akong kailangang tapusin. May Theology reflection din akong kailangang gawin. pero nagawa ko paring magresearch at gumawa pa nga ng dalawang powerpoint eh. di ako nagbigay ng sobrang bigat na trabaho. research lang gawin niyo may grade na kayo. is that too much to ask? wag niyong idahilan na busy kayo. KASI BUSY DIN NAMAN AKO. may math din akong kailangan pang isolve. may Soc sci rin tayong assignment sa civilizations. see? hindi lang kayo nahihirapan. wag niyo ring idadahilan na tinotopak ang yahoo or yung email niyo dahil pwede namang iprint yang research na yan. wag niyong sabihin saking nakalimutan niyong ibigay sakin kasi 5 araw tayong nagkita last week. hindi niyo pa ba naalala yun? If you fail, don't blame me. usapan natin na hindi ko talaga ilalagay sa members list yung hindi magpapasa ng research. and WAG NA WAG nyo ring sasabihin na ngayon ko lang kasi kayo tinext or niremind. DUH? last last week pa yan. hindi ako reminder para magalarm. hindi ako calendar or memo para i-update ko kayo. at higit sa lahat hindi niyo ako secretary para sisihing hindi ko kayo sinabihan [hello ate cat!]. okay? ayun. at sabi ko nga sa inyo, THAT'S FINAL.

ayan. strict na kung strict. hehe.
well, its getting late.
ciao!; {2:23 AM}
Saturday, October 07, 2006
"beautiful days"
I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you
You came along
In an unexpected time
It was so divine
Knowing you are mine
It feels so right
When I look into your eyes
I never knew that love
Could make me feel this way
I can't wait for the day
When I can truly say
I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you
Woh, oh woh
With you I felt fine
So right I've sang so many songs in stages
With thousands of them watching me
But you're here with me now
And I sing this song to you
To you, baby
Just for you
Just for you
I see beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
You've touched my heart so deeply
And I can't thank God enough
For all the beautiful days with you
I feel beautiful ways of loving you
Everything is just so wonderful
Every little thing is just so beautiful
When I spend it with you

so that's a song entitled "beautiful days" i just find it cute and sweet. and it has a connection with my life as of now. hmm?? ayee. haha. loko.
i'm making our powerpoint presentaion as of now. and there are 2 more presentations to be done. AAGGHH. why the hell do we need to make these powerpoint presentations anyway? hello? can't we just research and just pass it to the teachers? can't they see that this group work is so unfair! ugh. i get to do all the difficult things while my members are in their houses sitting pretty and doing nothing. all they did was pass to me their research and they expect me to the rest of the job! ARGH.

so okay, i'm done of ranting. haha.
yesterday, i went online and chatted with maine, ayun kwentuhan and asaran. then Leanne also went online. then ayun the usual asaran. hehe. the two of them are linking me to teo different persons. nyaaaks. hehe.
well, today.
i wasn't able to watch the UAAP vs. NCAA game. aww. huhu. but Quimbo and RR informed me that UAAP won. well, its okay. its not really that important. its for the charity anyway. hehe.
well, that's it for today.
i have tons of presentations to finish.
i just hope that i will finish it on time.
ciao!; {3:13 AM}
Friday, October 06, 2006
o yea. another weekend has come and im not that interested with weekends these days. because its still as if a regular day anyway. due to the projects and requirements needed for the next week. ugh. i have lots of powerpoint presentations to do. first is the Florante at Laura, well i'm not yet done with that and the next is for biology. ARGH.
'Lord take me now?'
just kiddin.
well, this day was sooo tiring. right Kat?
Kat and I have loads of presentations to finish this very day. including the Paraliturgy, whew, iw was really moved with my classmate's sharings. i nearly cried you know! grabee.
well, im gettin tired now.
so il just post whenevr i have the chance. maybe tomorrow?
ciao!; {6:33 AM}
Wednesday, October 04, 2006

haha. just look at the title. sorry for those who do not get it. hehe.
well, today was sort of different.
hmn. morning assembly, we prayed the rosary. and i confessed that i haven't prayed rosary for months! sorry! but i pray you know, im a religious person. haha. you better believe it or else!
first subject was, biology, we just checked our papers and CJ became an "outstanding" student. haha. alam na yun ng 20. =p
second subject was social science we had a long quiz about prehistory and good thing i passed. *whew*.

then recess, i spent the time with my friends and just laughed our hearts out. and as usual, abby and leanne teased me with that 'hell guy'. ARGH. but its okay, i know my friends, and im used with their jokes and pranks. haha.
hmn. math we had a discussion about factoring and Ms. Duka didn't noticed the time and she was soo 10 minutes late. maybe because she enjoyed teaching us. haha!
then, computer time, we were hust told to continue on our powerpoint presentation, well, i did not really made the presentation for computer but instead i made my powerpoint presentation in filipino because we are supposed to report today and were not yet done with the presentation. so i just kept on chit chattin with Sean while typing. hehe. 
LUNCH! Kat, Apple, Russell and I. didn't had lunch today because we are all so busy with the presentation. ugh. believe me, making a powerpoint for 1 hour is tough. so okay, maybe its easy for you but not for me. hmp. =p

Filipino, *drum roll* dan dan dan dan.. oh good, after all the rush we did, we aren't going to have the report because there is not enough electricity! AGH. well, its okay though, coz it gives me a chance to improve the presentation. haha.
English, another long test for us. AGH. but the three parts of the test are actually re-tests but again with that indonesian literature! i failed that part because i didn't have the chance to read that even though that part is already a re-test but hello??! that quiz was like ages ago?! haha.
dismissal, alot of happenings. i was terrified when Rivor introduced us to kuya earvin(?) because i was the first one he introduced then i didn't expect that he will come near me and shake hands with me while saying "ikinagagalak kitang makilala JC" ako naman parang "haaa?" . well, i was really surprised tapos parang napaiwas ako ng konti kasi kala ko kung anu gagawin niya. ito namang si maine balak tumakas pero walang lusot, lahat nakilala niya. si kenneth naman, tuwang tuwa! halaa. ako nga natakot eh.. nyaay.. hehe. si RR naman biglang sabing "hi mary anne!" sinu ba si mary anne?! ang samaa.. si Kat naman balak ikiss ni kuya earvin. hahaha. si Apple parang wala lang eh. tapos sabi niya pag ka alis, "parang nainlab ako ah?!" so kami parang.. haaa??? okay ka lang polkoy?? haha. it was so hilarious! i kept laughin my heart out. haha. [kung gets mo man, very good, kung hindi, wag mo ng intindihin. =p ]

what a good day.
ciao!; {4:54 AM}
Sunday, October 01, 2006

AT LAST! i finally had the chance to post! *whew!*
i haven't finished my last post since i said that i will continue it, pero wag niyo ng asahan pang magagawa ko yun. hehe.
i have nothin much to share with you but it just feels good that I am writing an entry. whaa?
anyway, there are TONS of work to be done.
these are the following:
1. Powerpoint presentation [computer]
-how can i even start without the research of my good groupmates. good grief. im only done with the title! i'm giving them only today and if i don't receive their research in my mail, I will do the powerpoint presentation including the research on my own and i will not put them in my members list. ARGH. [malupet na leader noh?! strict! hehe.]
2. Paraliturgy
- this is not really a burden for me because Kat is helping me, so thank you Kat! i just don't know with my other members. i wanted BIG things for our paraliturgy but i don't expect that to happen, with only Kat and I doing the job i just can't imagine what will happen. ugh. again. THANK YOU KAT!
3. Florante at Laura [notebook]
-oh. so this is an individual work and im only done till chapter 9. ugh. i just hope Mr. Sonajo will give extension of the dead line. hehe. =p
4. Florante at Laura [report]
- im with Kat and Apple. we will report about chapters 6-8. *whew* one chapter each. o yea. =p
5. Social Science [Reaction Paper "Quest for fire"]
- well, im done with this. so YEY! hehe. =p
that's only five but still hard. huhu.
so that's it for now.
i hope i will finish those things on time!
wish me Luck!
mwa! =p
ciao!; {10:45 PM}