Thursday, May 10, 2007
When my sister came, I thought he'll be able to recover because the missing piece he was looking for is back.
It was a big mistake, he got weaker and weaker each day.
My mom, sister and I never failed to encourage him each day.
Since my sister is here, we make sure that our God-given time will not be wasted. We spend it like it's the last day of our lives. We cannot go out and have fun because he's already weak, so, we just have our own little fun at home. We have our lunches in my mom's mini cactus garden. That's what he wanted so we gave it to him.
He never forgot the memories my sister and I had when we were young. My hilarious rituals, my sister stealing bananas from our neighbor and all that.
April 30 and he was still his usual self making jokes and teaching us values and science [he really loves science] we are going to have a swimming outing the day after.. my tito dan, tita lornie, ate kahren, kuya JM, kuya kehvin, kuya Kenneth, Ate Cat, my mom, him and me even had a talk about *sparks* when falling inlove.. we had a lot of fun and teasing tita lornie and tito dan..
aftr our swimming the next day, we went straight to manila east med center because he will have his blood transfusion.. he was really really weak.. he even thought that it was morning when it was actually 11:30pm.
when we went home the day after and that's when he really got weak. he was disoriented, a lil effort of standing up will make him sooo tired, he wasn't the man I knew before, the man I really enjoyed hangin out with..
May 4
he went back to the hospital, picked up by an ambulance.. I didn't know what to do.. walang wala ako sa sarili ko nun.. seeing him in pain makes me weak too. So he was confined, the doctors found out that there were 3veins that burst in his right brain. my sister, kuya kenneth, ate em, tito dan and I stayed with my mom. We always talk to him and encourage him that we can get through this. yes, we can.
May 5
he was getting better he can raise his arms and move his feet but still cannot manage to get up.
1am he woke up with his eyes wide open looking at the four needles injected to him. I talked to him and asked him if he still knows me then he shook his head. my tears came up in my eyes.. knowing that he have forgotten everything about me makes it hard to look at him, a father not knowing his daughter was very painful but I tried to understand because he was disoriented. 3pm that day he was improving and can even move a little more. 5pm came and his doctor suggested for blood transfusion.. we were all praying hard for him because the doctor said that anytime now he will let go.. during his blood transfusion while everybody was solemnly praying his eyes suddenly opened wide and he looked at my mom and started to have chills. his blood reacted because of the transfusion. i almost lost my mind and I was holding his hand and told him that never let go.. the seizures were repeated 5 times.. everybody was crying.. during the 5th seizure which is the longest and last one was the very painful thing I could ever remember.. my mom told him that he can let go now.. he was fighting so hard to live.. he was looking for air to breathe.. my mom, sister and I was beside him and we told him to just surrender and let go.. then it happened, the man i ever loved was gone.. I was out of my mind.. It was hard to lose a father, a friend and a teacher.. things were not easy for the three of us.. but we could not do anything else but just to set him free.. we know he's happy today and we are happy for him too.. he was freed from pain and sufferings.. hindi na siya nahihirapan pa..
that was the story of how my father died last May5 8:45pm.. it was so sad because their wedding anniversary is on May6.. there..
until now, my dad talks to me in my dreams i don't know why, maybe because he wasn't able to tell me everything he wanted to tell me before he died.. he won't be able to see me graduate and be who he wants me to be..
It's hard to lose a father.. So, from that day forward I really make my mom feel really loved and cared for.. unexpected things can happen..
here are some pictures on my father's wake and before he died:

my mom and dad. i took that picture. :)

my dad. making his signature look. hahaha. i miss him sooo much.

last dinner sa Max's. :(

family picture in my sister's room. siksikan! :))

our very last family picture. :((

and there's my dad. :(
ciao!; {11:22 PM}